Well its been a long time and I'm sorry! So much has happened, but in keeping with the spirit of the times, let me be short, relevant and topical. I was very impressed with a UTube video of that gianormous prayer meeting in Haiti (see
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30rWm84z-zg ). I wonder how you are getting on with the Star Challenge? Remember it? I suggested that during Lent we gave up complaining. The challenge is based on Philippians 2:14-15 where Paul urges his readers to do everything without complaining so that they might shine as stars in the universe. What a difference we can make? I've certainly been trying to do this, though it is very hard isn't it? An occasion of poor service, criticism or bad driving and the 'old man' rears his ugly head. Chop it off I say! No complaining!
I was on the allotment yesterday and found it in surprising good shape given the bad winter we have had and the fact I have not visited since December! Spring is reckoned to be 3 weeks late which helps as I can get on preparing the ground and growing those first plants.
Who should we vote for in the coming election? It is a difficult one for Christians in that we seem to be increasingly marginalised - we must pray for the wisdom of Solomon.
I've joined Facebook and Twitter!! But please don't be offended if I don't respond to your request to become your "friend" - it is nothing personal but people tell me that facebook can easily take over your life.
In one of those amazing coincidences I was with Angela representing ICS at a Parish Missionary Fayre in the parish of an ex-colleague of ours in Norwich. Talking to another stall holder I discovered we both knew a former member of our French church who had been serving the Lord in N Africa and it was great to have some more recent news.
I hope to blog more regularly - but postings may be erratic and occur when I have the time and something worthwhile to say.