Vicar’s March Blog!
I’m sorry I’m late with this month’s blog! But it goes to prove the popularity of the medium that one or two people have expressed their disappointment at the absence of a March blog – well here it is! Enjoy!
I’m writing the day after Easter Day and its snowing! I was tempted to choose a Christmas Carol for our worship yesterday. So why do they call it Global warming? Anybody out there help me? It seems to me we are going backwards! Its playing havoc with the garden and making the decision about when to sow seeds very difficult. On our allotment we have already planted garlic, shallots and spring onions. Then I look around and see a pristine plot kept by a neighbour and notice that he has sown parsnip, carrot and beetroot seeds already and are those potato rows I see before me?
Easter is really early this year and its all to do with the full moon apparently. But whatever the date, the actual event is the high spot in the Church’s calendar. We celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus, we rejoice in the knowledge that we can be forgiven for our failure to live God’s way and that He has promised us eternal life through Jesus who is the way, the truth and the life. We had a tremendous time in church yesterday worshipping our Risen Lord and remembering once more all that He’s done for us!
I don’t know if you watched the BBC TV programme “The Passion”. It was an interesting portrayal of Jesus. I was struck by the fact that the programme did not play down the resurrection but a bit irritated by the way things Jesus said were placed in other contexts…..but the most irritating of all was the visits to the Pool of Bethsaida to wipe the brow of the poor man lying there. We see Jesus do it in one scene and Peter carries on this “wiping the brow” ministry in the final instalment. But we know from the Bible that Jesus healed at least one person there! Why did the author duck the issue? Doesn’t he believe that Jesus healed? Don’t get me wrong, the emphasis on compassion towards the sick would I’m sure have been a really important part of Jesus ministry. And indeed, not just the sick. But we know He did miracles then and continues to heal today. Comments to the usual address.
Another reason this blog is late is because of my Dad’s illness and death. He had been ill for a long time and had just been told he would not be able to live independently at home anymore. I want to thank all those of you who have sent cards, messages or spoken to me personally I really appreciate it. Good is coming from the sadness. At my brother’s wedding last Saturday there was a sense that we as a family (I have 3 brothers and a sister) were drawn closer together through this. And I do believe that the Lord works to bring good out of all of life’s difficult situations and I thank Him for that.
I received a long email from the Cloud Appreciation Society yesterday. Now if you’re not into clouds (yet!) switch off or go and make yourself a cup of tea while I ramble on about the beauty and majesty of clouds. I’m discovering all sorts of interesting facts. Did you know for instance that there are certain lucky bacteria who have found a way of colonising the clouds. Tiny organisms have been found which feed on nutrients within cloud water droplets. It sounds like a dreamy existence, until you learn that when the cloud rains, they do of course come down to earth with a thud!
Recently we were burgled….twice! Again good has come from it. We have been able to meet our Safer Neighbourhood Police Officer, Grant, who is a lovely bloke! I find myself praying more these dates for our police who face a difficult job in an increasingly lawless and reckless society. Join me in praying for their protection and blessing. But I think the lawlessness is due to the failure of the Church to make the message of the Gospel crystal clear and to be totally unafraid or embarrassed by sharing it. Street Pastors are doing a great job trying to help binge drinkers on the streets of Romford, but in a way we should all be active in the community sharing the love and peace of Jesus in whatever way he calls us to.
Well, that’s it for this month but I’ll try to be “on time” for April – parish, garden, allotment permitting!
Rev Dave
I’m sorry I’m late with this month’s blog! But it goes to prove the popularity of the medium that one or two people have expressed their disappointment at the absence of a March blog – well here it is! Enjoy!
I’m writing the day after Easter Day and its snowing! I was tempted to choose a Christmas Carol for our worship yesterday. So why do they call it Global warming? Anybody out there help me? It seems to me we are going backwards! Its playing havoc with the garden and making the decision about when to sow seeds very difficult. On our allotment we have already planted garlic, shallots and spring onions. Then I look around and see a pristine plot kept by a neighbour and notice that he has sown parsnip, carrot and beetroot seeds already and are those potato rows I see before me?
Easter is really early this year and its all to do with the full moon apparently. But whatever the date, the actual event is the high spot in the Church’s calendar. We celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus, we rejoice in the knowledge that we can be forgiven for our failure to live God’s way and that He has promised us eternal life through Jesus who is the way, the truth and the life. We had a tremendous time in church yesterday worshipping our Risen Lord and remembering once more all that He’s done for us!
I don’t know if you watched the BBC TV programme “The Passion”. It was an interesting portrayal of Jesus. I was struck by the fact that the programme did not play down the resurrection but a bit irritated by the way things Jesus said were placed in other contexts…..but the most irritating of all was the visits to the Pool of Bethsaida to wipe the brow of the poor man lying there. We see Jesus do it in one scene and Peter carries on this “wiping the brow” ministry in the final instalment. But we know from the Bible that Jesus healed at least one person there! Why did the author duck the issue? Doesn’t he believe that Jesus healed? Don’t get me wrong, the emphasis on compassion towards the sick would I’m sure have been a really important part of Jesus ministry. And indeed, not just the sick. But we know He did miracles then and continues to heal today. Comments to the usual address.
Another reason this blog is late is because of my Dad’s illness and death. He had been ill for a long time and had just been told he would not be able to live independently at home anymore. I want to thank all those of you who have sent cards, messages or spoken to me personally I really appreciate it. Good is coming from the sadness. At my brother’s wedding last Saturday there was a sense that we as a family (I have 3 brothers and a sister) were drawn closer together through this. And I do believe that the Lord works to bring good out of all of life’s difficult situations and I thank Him for that.
I received a long email from the Cloud Appreciation Society yesterday. Now if you’re not into clouds (yet!) switch off or go and make yourself a cup of tea while I ramble on about the beauty and majesty of clouds. I’m discovering all sorts of interesting facts. Did you know for instance that there are certain lucky bacteria who have found a way of colonising the clouds. Tiny organisms have been found which feed on nutrients within cloud water droplets. It sounds like a dreamy existence, until you learn that when the cloud rains, they do of course come down to earth with a thud!
Recently we were burgled….twice! Again good has come from it. We have been able to meet our Safer Neighbourhood Police Officer, Grant, who is a lovely bloke! I find myself praying more these dates for our police who face a difficult job in an increasingly lawless and reckless society. Join me in praying for their protection and blessing. But I think the lawlessness is due to the failure of the Church to make the message of the Gospel crystal clear and to be totally unafraid or embarrassed by sharing it. Street Pastors are doing a great job trying to help binge drinkers on the streets of Romford, but in a way we should all be active in the community sharing the love and peace of Jesus in whatever way he calls us to.
Well, that’s it for this month but I’ll try to be “on time” for April – parish, garden, allotment permitting!
Rev Dave
At 22 April 2008 at 22:44 , Anonymous said...
Thanks for the blog - always a good read. When is the next one coming???!!
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